If you want to increase your success rate, double your failure rate.

Monday, March 23, 2015

A to Z Theme Reveal

Today is theme reveal day!

This is my third time participating in the A to Z challenge.

I confess I have never used a theme.  I have always been a spur of the moment type of guy and for me it was fun.  I admit I did get in a bit of trouble once in a while and had to generate some posts “Johnny on the spot” but in the end it all worked out.

This year I was invited by Arlee Bird to play a supporting role in the challenge as an Ambassador so I decided it would be in my best interest (and yours) to involve a theme as well as some scheduled pre-posting.

I am extremely busy this time of year so planning and scheduling are going to be paramount for a successful challenge as well as performing my duties as Ambassador.
So with all that said, (I know, I know, get to the point Mr. Rambler) I sat down one day to decide on a theme.  That didn’t work out so well – so I stood up, that didn’t work either.

I had a tough time trying to come up with a theme.  Everything I like is already on my blog and some of it is posted heavily.  Plus I wanted to be original, or as close to it as possible.  Last challenge I leaned heavily towards gardening, so much so, it almost turned into a theme, so I couldn’t really post about that.
I’m sure there is going to be plenty of food based challenges, as well as books and writing and photos and so on and so forth.  So here is what I came up with.  A little bit of everything!

My theme is a MYRIAD.
It will consist of 6 different categories or sub-themes.  Each one posted on the same day of the week as the last.  Like so…

Monday – Photos
Tuesday – Informational/DIY
Wednesday – Fiction
Thursday – Memoirs
Friday – Poetry
Saturday – Recipes

I put all the sub-themes in a hat and drew them out one by one and assigned them to a day, starting with Monday.  I wanted it to be as random as possible.  It worked out decent enough, although there are a few tough ones in there I haven’t figured out yet, but that’s what makes it fun.

I will be restructuring the layout on my blog and as such it will shut down sometime this coming weekend to prepare.

I look forward to reading all of the theme reveals when I get home from work today.
Cheers and happy blogging,



  1. This is my first A-Z, and I'm not a fan of themes, so I thoroughly approve of your eclectic approach. Wish I'd thought of it!
    Enjoy the Challenge.
    Wendy at Wendy of The Rock

    1. Thanks so much Wendy! Glad you could stop by!

  2. A most elegant solution to a theme. Saturday definitely has my attention because I love recipes :).
    Tasha's Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)

    1. I hope to impress you! Thanks for the visit.

  3. Myriad possibilities! You added a sub-challenge, though, by having to follow six different themes AND connect them to a specific letter. I have confidence you will rise to the occasion. :) Happy Monday! tm

  4. You never fail me, Mr. Rambler and I'm looking forward to your posts again this year! I think this is one of my favorite times of the year. Your posts always delight me and never leave me feeling bored! Good luck!

    1. I hope they rise to the occasion. Good luck on the challenge Dani

  5. Very cool. I have no doubt you will do awesome writing!! You always do!

    1. Good thing no one is around to see me blush!

  6. Looking forward to it. I'm all abuzz.
    But, that may just be all those bees I let spend the winter.

  7. Oooh, interesting theme indeed. I guess that's why it's called the A to Z "Challenge" not the A to Z "really easy to complete". My strategy was to use a theme so loose that I can fit just about anything into it. Here's to a blog post a day!

    1. Now that is my kind of theme too.
      Do yo have a link to your blog? I couldn't find it.

  8. I like your myriad of themes and how you have them outlined for the different days of the week! Should be a great challenge this year!


  9. Great theme option, sort of a no theme theme… hahahaha, I'm looking forward to reading your post, Bushman, as always you do not disappoint.

    Cheers, Jenny
    2015 A to Z Challenge Ambassador

    1. I look to entertain the masses and you my dear Pearson!

  10. That's the best constructed random theme I have seen so far :D

    @TarkabarkaHolgy from
    Multicolored Diary - Epics from A to Z
    MopDog - The crazy thing about Hungarians...

    1. Awe, shucks!
      Thanks for stopping by. Enjoy the challenge and I'll be seeing ya.

  11. Themeless, but still themed. Very clever! May have to keep that in mind for future years.

    1. Feel free. There is a myriad of possibilities to the myriad.
      Thanks for the visit. Good luck with the challenge.

  12. Brilliant!!! A Myriad of topics and very cleverly organized. Let's see, I'll be sure to do Monday Photos and a personal favorite FICTION on Wednesday, then on Thursday I can't miss Memoirs cause that fits my theme as well...Oh what the heck...I'll be here everyday. I've added you to my Blog Roll so I don't miss a single post. I am visiting from the AtoZ Theme Reveal Blog Hop...please click on my Signature Link for a visit to my Theme Reveal.
    Sue at CollectInTexas Gal
    AtoZ 2015 Challenge
    AJ's wHooligans

    1. Thanks, Sue!
      I stopped by and I will be following you on the challenge. Good lLuck!

  13. So you'll have variety with a thematic tendency. I think that's perfect. It accommodates your spontaneous nature and sets the bar for the rest of us. Love the look of your blog.

    1. Thanks so much for dropping by! I wanted to find a way to join all the things I love and link them somehow. It was the best I could do.

  14. p.s. Just discovered you build fire trucks. I'm an antique fire truck lover and anything to do with the history of the fire department. Is there an AtoZ about building fire trucks in your future?

    1. One never knows! Firetrucks are an amazing mix of muscle and technology today. It might make an interesting challenge - someday.

  15. Replies
    1. Thanks, J.L.
      I look forward to your challenge!

  16. Super logical, you have are young at heart to think this way. I taught teenagers for 30 years and they made me a great negotiator in a bad way. lol, I'll be back Mr. Ambassador

    1. Thanks for stopping Ann,
      I like to think out of the box.

  17. Absolutely love your theme/plan Jeff! I am so tempted to do the same. :) Looking forward to connecting over the A to Z!


    1. Thank You Vidya,
      You are more than welcome to adapt any of my strategies.

  18. the variety of topics should help keep things interesting. Good luck with April!

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Wrote By Rote

  19. I love that each day has a specific theme. That's genius!

    -Chrys Fey
    Tremps Troops - A to Z Co-co-host

    1. It's almost like cheating - maybe?
      Thanks for the visit.

  20. That's a good way to go, multi themes should keep things interesting. Good luck!

    1. I try to be interesting but as my wife says sometimes I'm too interesting!
      Thanks for stopping.

  21. Cool! That should be interesting. I look forward to seeing your posts.

  22. I really like your rotational idea! Keeping it new.
    Life & Faith in Caneyhead
    I am Ensign B ~ One of Tremp's Troops with the
    A to Z Challenge


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