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Saturday, April 4, 2015

D is for Chicken

Today’s post is brought to you by the letter D and the category of Recipes

Well, this isn’t so much of a recipe but more of a food tradition in my family.

Deep Fried Chicken

More specifically-wings.

We love to sit outside and fry up a batch of chicken wings, gizzards and hearts.
Pops started this tradition a long time ago and is the master of the fry station.

We like to use a simple flour/Drakes fry mix combination.
Roll the chicken in the mix and drop into a hot fryer.

For the wings, I will also make two or three different sauces to accompany them.
The standard buffalo sauce, honey BBQ, straight BBQ and Caribbean Jerk.

We love to sit out by the campfire and cook and eat.  Tossing the bones right into the flames afterwards.


  1. I love the tradition of this and how it continues. It would be fun to be part of it I think.


    1. Hi Betty, don't you think Bushman needs to host the next blog party… those wings look soooo yummy.

      hehehehe blog party… makes me think of block parties. When I was a kid my neighbourhood had them.

    2. The best thing is all the mess is outside and the house doesn't smell like fried chicken for a week.

  2. It's all about making memories… you've got lots with this tradition.
    I'm drooling now. It's too late to eat - damn, I should have waited until my tomorrow (still 10:47pm Friday) when my stomach wasn't growling.

    As always, you rocked another letter - great D post.

    Jenny, Pearson Report
    2015 A to Z Challenge Ambassador

    1. This was an easy one. I look forward to a few more summer wing parties around the campfire.

  3. Hey Jeff - stopping by after your visit to the Hearth.

    I am so jealous of the fire pit shown in your last picture - I would give anything to have one like that in mine, only problem is it would most likely swallow the garden ours is that small.

    Sounds like you have the outdoors man's life down to a tee. In many ways I envy that, and in many ways I'm not ;)

    1. Anything that can be done inside can be done outside and many times with more fun and enthusiasm. I always feel better when I'm outside anyways.
      Thanks for the visit!

  4. There is something so soothing about sitting around the fire pit, chicken or no chicken.
    ~Visiting from AtoZ

  5. Chicken chicken and more chicken, how about those moose steaks,salmon,halibut,scallops,etc,etc. Yes outdoor cooking is the best and we always make the best of it. Can't wait till Aug. Beautiful post yesterday, always in my heart and mind. Love to all

    1. In a few months, it will be walleye fillets by the fire!

  6. Love the sound of that Caribbean Jerk Sauce and yes, deep friend chicken - even if it's not good for me.

    1. It is really good J.L. In fact it is my new favorite.

  7. Our version of outdoor cooking is Hungarian campfire smores: Bacon, onions, and white bread :D

    @TarkabarkaHolgy from
    Multicolored Diary - Epics from A to Z
    MopDog - 26 Ways to Die in Medieval Hungary

    1. I will look that up and give it a try. Sounds good.

  8. Replies
    1. It is fun and tasty for sure Ruth.
      Sometimes there is even a stray beer floating around!

  9. I can just imagine how great it must smell around those campfires. I love fried chicken but unfortunately I cannot eat it any long. Enjoy for me the next time you fry some up!

  10. It sounds and looks awesome, Bushman, except the chicken hearts. You eat their hearts? Well, I guess it all tastes like chicken, so it's all good.
    Thanks for visiting.
    Have a great Easter weekend.

    1. Yes, we do! They are yummy little morsels!
      Doesn't everything taste like chicken? LOL

  11. Sounds great Jeff. If I ever go to Charlotte, can I come and grub with you guys?

    1. Of course, you can! We even make french fries by the fire too!

  12. Around a campfire would be a great place to eat them.
    And do you live in Charlotte? We're not that far apart.

    1. Where abouts are you Alex?
      The fire pit makes a great bone collector as long as they get burned up. If not I find the dogs rooting around in the ashes the next morning looking for treats!

  13. That looks like a great way to spend time with friends and family... I love fried chicken... :)

    1. It most assuredly is Rajlakshmi. We have a lot of campfires n the summer time. Just us and the outdoors.

  14. Chicken FRIED is my favorite way to eat it and cooking wings like this looks fabulous.

    1. I know deep fried isn't the healthiest way to eat so we limit it to a few occasions each summer. We usually have a hot dog roast and smores as well.

  15. Yeah, this isn't the healthiest, but it sure is damn good. We like to do the same... minus the Caribbean Jerk. I need to learn a good Caribbean Jerk sauce recipe. That sounds fantastic.


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