If you want to increase your success rate, double your failure rate.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

W is for Meat Totes

So I was wondering how big my little baby was getting so I put her in one of mt meat totes and put her on the scale for a......

Weigh In


  1. Funny. She's now ready to go through the x-ray machine at the airport.

  2. LOL with Alex. His comments sometimes.

    Now I'm curious with how much she weighed :)


  3. Going through the X-Ray machine. Even though the risk wouldn't be worth it (Because X-Rays), what a goof it would be to goof on the TSA.

  4. Going through the X-Ray machine. Even though the risk wouldn't be worth it (Because X-Rays), what a goof it would be to goof on the TSA.


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