If you want to increase your success rate, double your failure rate.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Thirsty Thursday and My Top Ten

Hello there and welcome to thirsty Thursday and my top ten!  yes I know I have tried to revive this many times but you know what?  It is what it is.  Weather will be changing soon and sitting inside will become more bearable for me as time goes on.
My beer for the day is Leinenkugel's Classic Amber.  Although I did sneak a Sam Adams Oktoberfest in before the Amber.  It is better in case your wondering but I only had one.  Damn!
My top ten is going to be a little different because I was on "vacation" last weekend plus Monday.
#1  I was able to spend 5 days with my Pops!  (almost another deer season)
#2  I was able to spend time with my step brother, his wife, his sister and his Mom (aka my step mom)
#3  I was able to do fun guy stuff like run a power saw, hammer and then drink beer (not necessarily in that order)
#4  I witnessed dueling pianos for the first time (those guys dreaded my requests.  Vanilla Ice and mix it with Lionel Richie please.....they did)
#5  Who the frick request Vanilla Richie?  ( some drunk guy)
#6  My work week was shortened to 3 days (still felt like 4)
#7  32 quarts of tomatoes canned so far  (will be quitting at 40, lost ambition)
#8  Have next years garden all planned out and will be starting soon (yes I am crazy)
#9  Planning a surprise trip for my wife and I  ( when she reads this it will drive her crazy because I'm not telling her what it is or where it's at)
#10 Getting though all of the above fairly quickly.  ( need weeks like this more often)

Ok I promised some pics so here goes

It was an old aluminum porch and we ripped it off, rebuilt the floor, added walls and a roof, windows, door and siding and a roof.  I missed the siding and roof part.

This was how I left it on Sunday night.  We went back to Pops and had a bonfire and roasted hotdogs over the fire for dinner.
Of course we needed sticks for the hot dogs so Pops went out in the woods and grabbed some!
By the looks of it the neighbors had to many sticks anyways!

I don't have anymore pics of the trip but when I got home my little yellow dog was so excited to see me.  He wore himself out with all of the tail wagging and kisses and soon fell asleep on the couch.
My computer is still crashing and just did so publish it is!


  1. My beer for the day is whatever my brother has in his fridge.
    Then again, my standards are pretty low.

  2. Beer! As long as it is cold and it isn't a Lone Star, I'm good.

    Good job on the porch. I guess those brewski's kicked in and you forgot about the camera, eh?

  3. Wow! Thos must have been large hotdogs!

    Great looking porch/room. Love how you are always doing something.
    No thanks on the beer. I prefer vodka.


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