If you want to increase your success rate, double your failure rate.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

U is for Motown

Oh man I bet your puzzled by that title aren't ya?

U is a tough one.  There are a gazillion u words.  Take any word and stick UN in front of it.
It makes a word.  Easy enough.  Nah!  Not for me.  I have my word.  It makes no sense and it's not even used in context (lady from Tennessee please don't call me out on it)
It's something I've said for years.  No one else laughs at it but me.  That is how I know my word for the U post is fitting!

Growing up we moved around a bit.  Not like a Military family but we never stayed at one place too long. 
Of course everywhere we moved it seemed like the house needed to be remodeled and the yard needed to be tore up and re-done.

One particular house we moved into, which was built by my Grandfather back in the fifties and stayed in the family until the late 90's or early 00's, we did a bunch of updating.  Dad and I would go there and work together.  We always played the radio and Dad would listen to oldies.  Of course being guys we would put our own twist on the songs.  I remember singing "Peggy Sue" but I made the song my own ( as the American Idol judges would say) and sang Peggy's Soup.  "Yummy, yummy, yummy Peggy's soup".

The list went on and on and most are too explicit too mention here. 

We would sand drywall, rip out cupboards and paint walls all while singing our own versions of the classic oldies.  Frankie Valli and the 4 seasons, Stevie Wonder, The Beach Boys just to name a few.
I think I've heard every song from that era and probably heard every one while holding a paintbrush and also again while staining trim or mudding drywall.  I can't listen to that music without blowing old drywall dust out of my nose. 

Not only did we change up the words we changed up the singers names too.  Like:
The Beach Boys became The Bitch Boys
Gladys Knight and the Pips became Glad its night cuz the girls have nips.
Marvin Gaye became Marvin's Gay (shocker)
The 4 Tops became the The 4 Tits
The Supremes became the Burrito Supremes
And the one I always loved......

Urethra Franklin

Did Somebody say Burrito Supremes?

I looked everywhere for a funny picture of an actual urethra....nope.  Pretty un nerving (see told ya Un works)  Do not try and look for them.  It's gross.  people do some strange shit to their urethras! 

All I'm askin for is a little r-e-s-p-e-c-t.


  1. LMFAO! I love the nicknames! I give nicknames for everyone and usually everything.
    The comment under the picture... I spat my soda out. And hopefully you don't get any crap for this. I think it's all in good fun! Thanks for cracking me up!!

  2. Looks like Urethra ATE the Supremes.

  3. Sorry for showing no r-e-s-p-e-c-t by coming late to the party - damn life gets in the way of my blogging fun!

    I can tell "U" had fun with this post! :) :)


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