If you want to increase your success rate, double your failure rate.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Short update on Bushman and his baby


I think I remember how to do this.

It has been awhile, I know.  I've been a bit pre-occupied.

Everything is going swimmingly, though, in case you were wondering?

I don't have much time so I will make this quick.

Baby is doing great.  Not just great but Tony the Tiger Greeeat!!!!

The new job is going well.  Very long days and weeks.  This week alone I worked 80 hours.

So as you can imagine, it doesn't leave much time for other things.  I spend some time with the baby in the evening, have supper, do a few chores and then off to bed.  Blogging has not been in the top of my priorities as of late.  I hope you understand.

So without further delay, I present you with a baby timeline!


  And then just some of my favorites.  Week 5 and 6 must be on Momma's phone and she is still sleeping.

My little honeybee

Laughing with Daddy

First day of daycare


  1. She doesn't look too happy about the daycare.
    If you're working that many hours, I understand why you haven't been online. Family needs to see you sometime!

  2. Was wondering how you were doing! She is adorable!! I love all the pictures, but loved the one with one sock on and one sock off :) Definitely spending time with baby is far better than blogging!!


  3. She is absolutely adorable :) you must be over the moon happy!

  4. WOW - time flies. How Corabella has grown. Turn around twice and they're off to college.
    I'm glad you've got your priorities in order - blogging can wait. Mind you, I'm tickled you've taken a moment to share your journey with us. Thanks!

    Sending smiles and hugs to you and your girls. Cheers, Jenny.


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