Hey guess what?
I think I'm finally shaking the winter blues!
I am 6-7 weeks away from planting my garden. It's time to get back to my own roots. Starting my garden from seed in the house!
This year will be my first in the new house. I have had success on other occasions and this year I hope to have the very best.
My seeds have been purchased and according to tracking info will be here Friday.
So Friday is my goal.
I have some friends who are willing to cough up some cash for plants for their gardens. It takes a bit of cash to get things going. This helps a lot and they get great plants! So on tap for Friday's planting are the following vegetables:
Brandy Wine
Probably the most famous heirloom tomato, the Brandywine traces its origin to the late 1800's, but was popularized in the 1980's. Plants bear large, 1+ pound fruits that ripen to a pinkish red. The fruits are renowned for their lush and rich flavor with much sweetness and a light acid overtone.

Marianna's Peace Tomato
Reputed to be one of the best tasting and most expensive in the world. Fruits well over a pound with lush red colors and rich flavors.

Mortgage Lifter
I have grown these before and have had fruits up to 3 lbs. Meaty and rich flavors.
More of a pink than red tomato

Pineapple Tomato
Bright yellow ripening tomato, often with red stripes. Beefsteak-style, fruits can weigh up to two pounds! Excellent mild flavor, few seeds, meaty flesh, fruits on a heavy bearing plant.
The classic paste tomato. Several inch fruits are meaty, with few seeds and are perfect for sauces.

The classic huge tomato, the Beefsteak bears large fruits that weigh 1-2 pounds. Classic flavor, meaty flesh and big fruits!

For my pepper selection have chosen:
Ancho Chile
An improved version of the popular Ancho pepper. Originally from Mexico, fruits are classically used in mole and chile rellenos. Fruits can grow to 6" long, with a blocky, somewhat cone-shaped appearance. I will be making my own chile powder with this as the main ingredient.

Bahamian Pepper
From the Bahamas comes this prolific, slender hot pepper. The pointed fruits are borne in clusters, appearing like groups of fingers. Fruits grow up to 2 1/2" long and have a hot flavor, registering up to 100,000 SHU. Bushy growth and colorful fruits could make this variety attractive as an ornamental as well. This guy will be dried and also pickled. I will smoke some for chipoltes and also use this to make pepper water.

Medium sized green pepper, the most popular in the United States for eating and cooking. Mild flavor, 2000-5000 Scoville. Eaten raw or cooked, the jalapeno is an important ingredient in numerous dishes. When dried, it is known as chipotle.
One of my most versatile peppers. I like to let them turn red, smoke them, dehydrate them and they are the best chipoltes ever. Great for that smoky spice in chile. Also my favorite for pickling with asparagus.

Banana Pepper
A fun sweet pepper that looks a lot like the Yellow Hungarian Wax, but without the spice. The peppers grow about 6" with a bright waxy color that will ripen to red. Use like any sweet pepper or bell pepper. Anoither great pickler for me as well as a salsa ingredient.

Keystone Bell
A large bell pepper and a great variety for classic bell pepper taste. Bears large fruits up to 5", with a blocky shape. Usually eaten while green, fruits have a sweet flavor and crunchy texture.

Yolo Wonder Bell
Yolo Wonder bears similar, though larger fruits. Huge, blocky fruits grow to several inches, having thick flesh with a crunchy texture and a classic bell pepper flavor. Fruits can be used at the green or red stage.

California Wonder Bell
The classic bell pepper. Available in all colors!

Straight 8 Cucumber
An extremely popular slicing cucumber with uniform 8" long, 2 1/2" thick fruits. Minimal seeds compared with other types and has delicious, crispy flesh

That's it for right now. That should keep me busy for a spell. I'm happy to be doing something productive again.
This year should be a great year (weather permitting). I put up 56 quarts of vegetables last year. This year I'm shooting for over a 100. I will be purchasing a pressure canner for all of our green beans and corn. I have a new addition called pepper water which I will be bottling as well. More chipoltes and smoked peppers as I'm almost out already. Dehydrating and grinding my own chile powders.
Of course with the addition of the pressure canner I can make more salsa without the addition of all the vinegar taste I had to use before. Dried and chopped herbs galore as well. Rosemary, Thyme, Basil, Oregano, Dill for starts.
I will post pictures Friday or saturday morning of my set up. I am building a mini green house on my omputer room!
I think I'm finally shaking the winter blues!
I am 6-7 weeks away from planting my garden. It's time to get back to my own roots. Starting my garden from seed in the house!
This year will be my first in the new house. I have had success on other occasions and this year I hope to have the very best.
My seeds have been purchased and according to tracking info will be here Friday.
So Friday is my goal.
I have some friends who are willing to cough up some cash for plants for their gardens. It takes a bit of cash to get things going. This helps a lot and they get great plants! So on tap for Friday's planting are the following vegetables:
Brandy Wine
Probably the most famous heirloom tomato, the Brandywine traces its origin to the late 1800's, but was popularized in the 1980's. Plants bear large, 1+ pound fruits that ripen to a pinkish red. The fruits are renowned for their lush and rich flavor with much sweetness and a light acid overtone.
Marianna's Peace Tomato
Reputed to be one of the best tasting and most expensive in the world. Fruits well over a pound with lush red colors and rich flavors.
Mortgage Lifter
I have grown these before and have had fruits up to 3 lbs. Meaty and rich flavors.
More of a pink than red tomato
Pineapple Tomato
Bright yellow ripening tomato, often with red stripes. Beefsteak-style, fruits can weigh up to two pounds! Excellent mild flavor, few seeds, meaty flesh, fruits on a heavy bearing plant.
The classic paste tomato. Several inch fruits are meaty, with few seeds and are perfect for sauces.
The classic huge tomato, the Beefsteak bears large fruits that weigh 1-2 pounds. Classic flavor, meaty flesh and big fruits!
For my pepper selection have chosen:
Ancho Chile
An improved version of the popular Ancho pepper. Originally from Mexico, fruits are classically used in mole and chile rellenos. Fruits can grow to 6" long, with a blocky, somewhat cone-shaped appearance. I will be making my own chile powder with this as the main ingredient.
Bahamian Pepper
From the Bahamas comes this prolific, slender hot pepper. The pointed fruits are borne in clusters, appearing like groups of fingers. Fruits grow up to 2 1/2" long and have a hot flavor, registering up to 100,000 SHU. Bushy growth and colorful fruits could make this variety attractive as an ornamental as well. This guy will be dried and also pickled. I will smoke some for chipoltes and also use this to make pepper water.
Medium sized green pepper, the most popular in the United States for eating and cooking. Mild flavor, 2000-5000 Scoville. Eaten raw or cooked, the jalapeno is an important ingredient in numerous dishes. When dried, it is known as chipotle.
One of my most versatile peppers. I like to let them turn red, smoke them, dehydrate them and they are the best chipoltes ever. Great for that smoky spice in chile. Also my favorite for pickling with asparagus.
Banana Pepper
A fun sweet pepper that looks a lot like the Yellow Hungarian Wax, but without the spice. The peppers grow about 6" with a bright waxy color that will ripen to red. Use like any sweet pepper or bell pepper. Anoither great pickler for me as well as a salsa ingredient.
Keystone Bell
A large bell pepper and a great variety for classic bell pepper taste. Bears large fruits up to 5", with a blocky shape. Usually eaten while green, fruits have a sweet flavor and crunchy texture.
Yolo Wonder Bell
Yolo Wonder bears similar, though larger fruits. Huge, blocky fruits grow to several inches, having thick flesh with a crunchy texture and a classic bell pepper flavor. Fruits can be used at the green or red stage.
California Wonder Bell
The classic bell pepper. Available in all colors!
Straight 8 Cucumber
An extremely popular slicing cucumber with uniform 8" long, 2 1/2" thick fruits. Minimal seeds compared with other types and has delicious, crispy flesh
That's it for right now. That should keep me busy for a spell. I'm happy to be doing something productive again.
This year should be a great year (weather permitting). I put up 56 quarts of vegetables last year. This year I'm shooting for over a 100. I will be purchasing a pressure canner for all of our green beans and corn. I have a new addition called pepper water which I will be bottling as well. More chipoltes and smoked peppers as I'm almost out already. Dehydrating and grinding my own chile powders.
Of course with the addition of the pressure canner I can make more salsa without the addition of all the vinegar taste I had to use before. Dried and chopped herbs galore as well. Rosemary, Thyme, Basil, Oregano, Dill for starts.
I will post pictures Friday or saturday morning of my set up. I am building a mini green house on my omputer room!
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