If you want to increase your success rate, double your failure rate.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

L is for Lawd Jesus

I love this.  I'm walking around singing it.

Lawd Jesus, ain't nobody got time for that!

See you all next week!


  1. Can I get an "AMEN"!!??

    By the way, I thought only Godzilla movies had the actor's lips not moving in synch with the dialogue.
    Unless she's Japanese. But, she really doesn't look like she is.

    1. I'm cracking up - I loved watching Godzilla - and I remember them calling it Godzirra - hahahaha.

      That was an excellent bit of entertainment - and, considering I need to hop in my car and head downtown to mail a letter (main post office is downtown - helps expedite things) anyway... ain't nobody got time for that... but it's gotta be done!

      I know what I'll be grooving to!

      Have a great weekend - see you both Monday, bright and early! AMEN! (for you Al)

  2. I'm a member of the A-Z team just checking in. Glad to see that everything is going smoothly for you during the Challenge! :)


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